further reading

useful links
and further reading

The women brainwashed by therapists
Daily Mail – February 2014

Are your childhood memories false?
Daily Mail – June 2016

Manipulative therapist accused
of brainwashing daughter
Daily Mail – July 2016

The coach accused of encouraging false memories
Daily Telegraph – April 2018

My daughter rejected me for six years
thanks to therapy
Daily Telegraph – February 2020

Rogue therapists should be treated as abusers
Daily Telegraph – January 2021

My GP didn’t recognise that I was bipolar
Daily Telegraph – March 2021

The Family Survival Trust (Alexandra Stern)

Freedom of Mind (Steve Hassan)

Falsely Accused Carers & Teachers

Supporting All Falsely Accused

False Allegations Support Organisation

Trauma, Memory, and Law (Dr Lawrence Patihis PhD)

Abused by Therapy – How Searching for Childhood Trauma Can Damage Adult Lives (Katharine Mair)

Justice For Carol – The True Story of Carol Felstead
(Dr Kevin Felstead)

Terror, Love and Brainwashing (Alexandra Stein)

The Ravages of False Memories
– or manipulated memory (Brigitte Axelrad)

The Memory Illusion – Remembering, Forgetting,
and the Science of False Memory (Dr Julia Shaw)

Counselling or Quackery (William Burgoyne)

Freud’s False Memories (Richard Webster)

Fractured Families – The Untold Anguish of
the Falsely Accused (Norman Brand)

Presumed Guilty (FACT – Falsely Accused
Carers and Teachers)

Miscarriage of Memory – a dilemma
for the legal system (William Burgoyne)

Victims of Memory – Incest Accusations
and Shattered Lives (Mark Pendergrast)

The Myth of Repressed Memory – False Memories
and Allegations of Sexual Abuse (Elizabeth Loftus)